Did you know that 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer with an allergy?
Natasha’s Law was created by parents of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse who sadly died from a severe allergic reaction to an undeclared ingredient in a pre-packed meal. Her parents and a lobbying group campaigned to get the law changed and due to their efforts, the government confirmed that stronger laws would be implemented to help protect people with allergies, giving them the confidence in the food they buy.

Natasha’s Law
The UK Food Information Amendment, also known as Natasha’s Law comes into force on 1 October 2021 and will require all food business to include a full list of ingredients, including allergen labelling on food pre-packed for direct sale on premises.
The changes will apply to all businesses in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Food pre-packed direct for sale (PPDS) will clearly need to display the following:
- Name of the food
- Full ingredients list
- Allergenic ingredients emphasised (i.e. in bold)
The change in law should help to protect millions in the UK and save the lives of allergy sufferers.
What it means for food businesses
Whilst this is fantastic news for allergy sufferers, food preparation businesses could find this a daunting task to undertake so The UK Food Labelling Resource has prepared a series of webinars and a short, easy to understand guide to help you manage risk and implement the changes.
Managing risk
As with other risk management processes in your businesses, allergens should be treated the same. This means you’ll need to complete a risk assessment identifying any staff at particular risk, and then review the relevant Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) for your processes, looking for ways to prevent and/or control the risk of contamination.
During any food inspection or audit from your Local Authority Environmental Health Professional, you’ll be expected to demonstrate how you’re complying with Natasha’s Law, as well as preventing cross-contamination.