With the end of the current covid restrictions now in sight, many businesses have employees back in the office full time or hybrid working two or three days a week. With all that’s happened over the past two years, are you confident that you still have sufficient first aid provisions in place?

First aid legal requirement
Employers have a legal requirement to undertake a risk assessment to determine what is required to manage first aid in the business, including the level of training required. We’re sure you’ll agree that prevention is better than cure, so making sure you’ve got your risks under control and preventing incidents from happening in the first place is key, whilst also reducing the level of safety requirements needed.
Regardless of business size, employers are required to provide employees information about what first aid arrangements are in place in their workplace.
First Aid risk assessments
There are many factors involved in assessing potential risks. Shops and offices for example are considered low risk and as a minimum should have a first aid box and may decide they only need an ‘Appointed Person’ to take control of first-aid arrangements.
An Appointed Person
An Appointed Person would be responsible for calling the emergency services (if necessary), along with looking after first aid equipment and facilities. Whilst they technically do not need first aid training, even the most confident individuals may need additional reassurance and have some knowledge of First Aid can go a long way to help.
A 1 day level 3 Emergency First Aid course would be a great course for an Appointed Person to undertake.
First aid requirements for larger businesses or with significant hazards
Larger businesses, those with significant hazards or who under take higher risk activities will need a trained first aider. Your risk assessment should help you identify how many first aiders are required, taking into account the nature of your workplace.
The Level 3 First Aid at work course is likely to be a more suitable option. Whilst a yearly refresher course is not mandatory, the HSE strongly recommend that trained first aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes in first aid.
Why undertake a First Aid course?
Today’s courses are much more practical and in-tune with the needs and risks of different businesses and every day conditions encountered in the workplace. Gone are the days of ‘catch all’ mandatory training where courses taught people skills they would hopefully never need in practice.
Whatever size your organisation is, it’s vital that someone knows what to do if an incident or accident occurs and is available at all times that the business is operating.