Use this template long term sickness absence policy and procedure to manage long-term sickness absence in your organisation.
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Long Term Sickness Absence Policy & Procedure – Download
ADHD in the workplace
As ADHD awareness has risen, more individuals are seeking diagnosis and in turn employers are seeing an increase in the number of employees that may require additional support.
Why are HR policies important?
Written HR policies encapsulate how matters should be handled across your organisation. They document what you expect from your team, as well as what they can expect from you.
What is a zero hour contract?
A zero hours is a casual contract where the employer doesn’t guarantee the individual any minimum number of hours of work.
What is an employment contract?
A contract of employment is a legal agreement that governs the employment relationship between an employer and an employee.
What clause should be in every employment contract?
There are a number of key clauses that need to be included in a UK employment contract for compliance and to give businesses and employees peace of mind and protection.
Mock Employment Tribunal 2023 – Event Registration
Our mock employment tribunal will give attendees a flavour of what it’s like to attend a tribunal in real life, observing a final hearing without the usual risks.
How do I change terms and conditions of employment?
Changing terms and conditions of employment is rarely straightforward, and this is a complex area of law. We’ve tried to simplify the options available to employers seeking to change T&Cs.